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to the LHS Class of 73 Blog

"50 Years is the Great Equalizer"

                                      Jim Neil

The New Yearbook: An opportunity to tell your own story

      When we left high school, we all started over. The slate was cleared and we embarked on a life journey to build new identities. But we soon found out life had its own plans for us.  Here's a chance to tell us your "story," to write a new sort of “Yearbook,” a place to look up a friend.  Please keep the discussions positive, friendly, and let’s make this an intriguing lead-in to this fall's gathering.

          To become a BLOG WRITER send your request along with the email you would like to use for your login.  You will receive an email from Wix, our website server, inviting you to collaborate on the Wix Website  Once you accept the invite, you’ll be asked to create a simple profile with password and you will be ready to write!


How to Write Your Blog

Come back to this BLOG page. Click on the CREATE A POST button. It will take you to a new page where you will have space to write your Title, then text, and add a photo(s). If you have  video you want to share please use a link to the video rather than uploading it because this site has minimal memory.   Once you're finished with your post, click on the button that says PUBLISH and your post will be live.  You can always go back into the post to change, add, or delete something, by clicking on the three dots to the right of your post. Then hit Publish again. If for some reason you need to delete your post send an email to

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